Shopping Centers & Malls

Moscow Riga Mall

Moscow’s Riga Mall wanted to fill their space with festive lighting and decoration that would attract and delight families and encourage shoppers with children to stay longer to enjoy their in the mall.

With the help of MK Illumination Russia, the mall created a display that combined some of MK Illumination’s signature 3D light sculptures, including a rabbit, a fox, and a stag, all of which were safe for little fingers to touch and grip. The animal sculptures were a popular stop for all ages and featured heavily online in social media as families shared photos.

The display also included a seating, also decorated with light, which gave parents an opportunity to sit as they watched their little ones play, and for families to take photos.

Close up view of people taking a photo in front of light sculpture of a moose inside the shopping center Riga Mall in the city of Moscow, Russia. Close up view of people taking a photo with light sculptures of a bird sitting on a light furniture ball inside the shopping center Riga Mall in the city of Moscow, Russia. Close up view of light sculpture of a moose inside the shopping center Riga Mall in the city of Moscow, Russia. Close up view of light sculptures of a hare and a bird sitting on a light furniture ball inside the shopping center Riga Mall in the city of Moscow, Russia.
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