Beijing Galleria

对于北京凤凰汇来说,2018年年底的假日季节就是为了庆祝未来的品味而作为周年庆典的一部分。 凭借这一点,MK Illumination China帮助他们创造了一个干净,现代的节日灯光展示,其中包括一个巨大的步入式圣诞球装饰,让该装置成为最受欢迎的拍照地点。


Ice lite decoration at the roofed passages outside the shopping center Beijing Galeria in the city of Beijing, China. Trees with string lite decoration and white Light sculpture of giant walk-in-able christmas ball outside the shopping center Beijing Galeria in the city of Beijing, China. Close up view of light sculpture of giant walk-in-able christmas ball outside the shopping center Beijing Galeria in the city of Beijing, China.
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