Beijing, China

Beijing Topwin Center


在外面的区域,游客遇到了站立的抽象天使,被星光覆盖的草地区域,用光线包裹的树木,以及装饰路灯的2D天使图案。 MK Illumination中国采用了暖白光和明亮的白光混合,延续了华丽的金色和银色主题,营造出温馨的节日气氛。

6 meters tall light sculpture of an angel with tender wings of light and a skirt made of silver and golden baubles with feathers in the shopping center Topwin Center in the city of Beijing, China. Close up view of snowball light motifs and trees with string lite decoration outside the shopping center Topwin Center in the city of Beijing, China. Close up view of trees with string lite decoration outside the shopping center Topwin Center in the city of Beijing, China. Close up view of light sculpture of an abstract angel outside the shopping center Topwin Center in the city of Beijing, China.
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