Livat IKEA

荟聚宜家希望为2018年的假日季节创造一个节日展示,能让游客喜欢,但这不会占用太多的空间。 MK Illumination China提出了一些简单但引人注目的方案,结果是一个12米的圣诞树,中心内部充满了灯光和节日挂饰,每个楼层都清晰可见。 这棵树为这个空间增添了一丝传统的西式圣诞节,与MK Illumination的吊灯一起完美展示着,这些吊灯装置一年四季都挂着。



Close up view of string lite chandeliers with snowflake light motif hanging from the ceiling of the shopping center Livat IKEA in the city of Beijing, China. String lite chandeliers with snowflake light motif hanging from the ceiling above a 12 meters tall with baubles and light points decorated christmas tree of the shopping center Livat IKEA in the city of Beijing, China. Plentyful decorated christmas tree with snow flake light motifs, light lettering Close up view of plentyful decorated christmas tree and the logo of the shopping center Livat IKEA in the city of Beijing, China.
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