Shopping Centers & Malls - Quebec City, Canada, Canada East

Galeries de la Capitale

Bar none, Les Galeries de la Capitale is THE shopping and entertainment destination in Québec City, thanks to its newly restored Mega Parc, which is without peer anywhere in Canada.

Every holiday season, children can visit with the big-hearted, white-bearded man in his brand-new Arctic space. While strolling through the shopping centre, families can marvel at the glacial theme’s ambiance.

Light sculptures of frozen trees in front of christmas grotto with illuminated trees and Santa Claus waiting inside in the shopping center Les Galeries de la Capitale in the city of Quebec City, Canada. Close up view of light sculptures of frozen trees in front of christmas grotto with illuminated trees and Santa Claus waiting inside in the shopping center Les Galeries de la Capitale in the city of Quebec City, Canada. Light motif snow crystals hanging from the ceiling in the shopping center Les Galeries de la Capitale in the city of Quebec City, Canada. Close up view of crystal light sculpture of a polar bear in the shopping center Les Galeries de la Capitale in the city of Quebec City, Canada. Galeries de la Capitale_0002_BonnallieBrodeur-201202-0138 Galeries de la Capitale_0001_Galeries de la Capitale Galeries de la Capitale_0000_Galeries de la Capitale201202-0124 Galeries de la Capitale Galeries de la Capitale Galeries de la Capitale Galeries de la Capitale
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