Light sculpture of a giant stag and with string lite decorated trees and facade of a private house in the city of Ringsted, Denmark.
#Decoration    27/11/2018

Denmark’s largest 3D light sculpture stag puts a smile on people’s faces in Ringsted

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Over the festive season, some people decorate their houses and gardens with strings of lights and light sculptures. Others, like MK Illumination Denmark’s Rasmus Fenger, opt to do something a little different.

In Fenger’s case, “different” means installing a 6.5 meter stag art sculpture from MK Illumination in his front garden, much to the delight of the residents of Ringsted.

The 3D light sculpture of the stag is Denmark’s largest, boasting more than 4000 light points, and its surrounded by another 3000 light points that decorate the trees and façade of Fenger’s house, creating a remarkable Christmas display that has turned the street into a festive attraction for locals, many of who are seen driving by at low speeds with their windows down and cameras out.

“Many people stop to take photographs and even videos,” laughs Fenger.

The stag appeared on November 25th, and took the whole weekend to install along with the tree and house lighting. 

“I have good friends and good contacts who get involved, helping me transport and install and test everything,” he says with a smile.

Not the first time

This isn’t the first time that Fenger has contributed to Ringsted’s holiday lighting extravaganza.

“Working for the most innovative festive lighting company in the world has many advantages, the least of which is that I get to have a bit of fun with the lights,” he says. “In 2016, we had some extra lights in our warehouse after the season so I took a deer and a 3D tree home with me and installed them. They looked incredible, and it was instantly clear that we’d turned my home into a temporary visitor attraction. Of course, we know that this is what our festive lighting does, but we simply weren’t expecting the lights to garner as much attention as they did at a private home!”

Visitors started appearing from the moment the lights were switched on, but it wasn’t simply individuals and families that flocked to see Fenger’s exceptional Christmas lights. The local media was equally intrigued, and to date, it’s been featured in both the online and offline press, as well as discussed on local radio stations.

“It just goes to show how the right festive lighting can get people talking,” says Fenger.

Fenger shakes his head, “No, nothing like that. Someone saw it, loved it, and bought it – and that was that.”

A move away from animals in 2017

In 2017, Fenger decided to try something completely different and installed had a 5 meter, walk-through Christmas ornament that was almost as high as the second storey of his house in his front garden.

Neighbors apparently love the festive lighting, commenting that their own festive lighting pales in comparison to Fenger’s display.

And what’s the plan for 2019? Fenger isn’t giving anything away, so you’ll simply need to wait for next year, and whilst you are, pop along to Ringsted to see the stag!

See more festive lighting in Denmark

To see more festive lighting from MK Illumination Denmark this year, visit Tivoli’s Friheden’s spectacular “Christmas Days” in Aarhus, Rådhuskroen in Ringsted, and Kokkedal Castle Copenhagen.

Want to know more about what MK Illumination Denmark is up to? Learn more about the team, get in touch or follow them on LinkedIn.

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